1."If you have problems or complaints with your current job, why haven’t you brought it to their attention?"
If the interviewer knows you have complaints about your current job, then they might ask you this question. Make sure the complaints are things that do not make you look bad. For example, having no opportunities is a good complaint, but not getting a good raise is a bad complaint. After you decide on the complaint, then you can create your answer around it. It is better to answer that you did bring this up multiple times. That way, you are displayed as honest.
Short Answers
"I actually told my manager several times. I told him about my desire to learn new things and take on new challenges, but there aren’t many opportunities in my current group."
"I believe in being straightforward, and I told my manager on numerous occasion that I was interested in taking on more responsibilities. However, my current group doesn’t have opportunities I’m looking for."
"After working the night shift for a couple of years, I wanted normal working hours. I told my manager about this, but there was no positions available for regular hour shifts."
Long Answer
"My biggest complaint is that there are no opportunities to grow. My manager tells me I’m doing great work, but I feel I am stuck at this level. I spoke with my manager for more work so I can grow and gain more experience, but unfortunately, there isn’t any work to give. I even had a discussion about changing roles, but because there is no open headcount in other divisions, it was hard to do that. So I definitely conveyed my desire for more work or for change, but it was something they couldn’t provide."
Having an employee that complains about a lot of things is an employee you do not want to hire. However, if an employee complains about not having enough work, it could be seen as a good complaint. Most work places have more work than resources, so giving more work isn’t a problem. So this complaint shows that you are a person who wants to work and wants to learn. These are good traits and that makes this answer a good one.
2."Give me a specific example at your last position where you increased revenue."
"Give me a specific example at your last position where reduced cost."
"Give me a specific example at your last position where you made things more efficient."
These are very similar to the ‘Tell me about’ type of questions. They want a specific example from your work experience. But if the position is an engineer position, you will not get questions about revenue and cost, but you might get one about efficiency. In other questions, I gave an example of reducing cost, so I will use this time to give an example of increasing revenue.
Short Answers
"As a sales associate, I do my part in increasing revenue by making more sales. Even if I’m having a good month, I continue to work hard to make sure our company is continually increasing its revenue."
"It’s something small, but in our office, everyone left there monitors and lights on. I simply put up signs to turn off their monitors and to turn off office lights. This really helped and our VP even told me he appreciated the small effort."
"We provide many different brochures for our clients, and when we get low on a specific brochure, we have to order each one separately. I created a small tool that automates this process and saved about 30 minutes of work each time we ordered brochures. It was something small, but my manager appreciated it."
Long Answer
"In my last position, I was the manager for a Japanese restaurant. We were located in downtown and realized that not everyone had a full hour for a lunch break. I created a system to turn 5 of our dishes into meals that would be ready in three minutes. We put up a sign indicating that we would have meals in less than three minutes and revenues jumped 30%. I considered the location of the restaurant and saw an opportunity to provide meals to customers that would’ve never considered our meal due to their lack of time. The store owner was really proud of this accomplishment."
All examples will be different because everyone has different experiences. When you think of your own, you should primarily be concerned about how clear you are. Think of something you did and put them into words. Having answers ahead of time will keep you organized during the interview.
3."What do you feel an employer owes an employee?"
This purpose for this question is basically to see what you expect from the company. It is a simple answer, but you should also mention what you will give, in return for what you are expecting.
Short Answers
"I believe an employer should provide a good work environment and opportunities for growth in return for hard work."
"I believe an employer should respect their employees and treat them fairly. I plan on working hard and I should be recognized for my contributions."
"I believe an employer should provide an environment where everyone can succeed. I also believe that opportunities for growth and advancement should be provided by the employer."
Long Answer
"I have a lot of expectations from my employer. Financial compensation is a given, but there are other things I expect. I feel an employer should provide a good work environment, opportunities for growth, reward and recognition for excellence, and guidance in career development. I know I will be giving everything I can to help my employer succeed, and in return these are some of the expectations I have."
If you look at the list of things I mentioned, all of them are strong indicators of a good employee. If a person is wanting to grow and guidance in career development, then that worker is serious about improving him or herself. Also, wanting reward and recognition for excellence indicates that this person is going to try to achieve excellence to get the reward. I would try to avoid saying things like, having a good sick day policy, or an understanding of missed days due to miscellaneous issues, or mentioning a good maternity leave plan. These things are all provided by large companies, but mentioning them indicates that you are a person who gets sick easily, or a person planning on having a baby, or an unlucky person that misses work due to bad luck.
4."What do you expect from your manager?"
This question should be answered that shows what type of worker you are. Mention things that will help you to become a better worker instead of mentioning that you want an understanding manager.
Short Answers
"The most important thing I want from my manager is constructive feedback so I know where I need to improve. I want to continually grow and having a good manager will help me achieve my goal."
"I expect my manager to provide work that is relevant to both the company and my growth. My manager should know my strengths and also help me work on my weaknesses."
"I expect my manager to be a smart person who works hard. If my manager is setting a positive example, I believe I’ll be more encouraged to work harder. Having a manager that bosses people around without doing any work is very discouraging. So I expect my manager to lead by example."
Long Answer
"I expect my manager to give me relevant work, to be accessible, setting an example through action, providing both positive and negative feedback so I can improve, and finally a manager that will help me succeed. Ultimately, I know it’s my responsibility to be a great performer, but having a manager that I can learn from can help me grow that much more. That’s what I’m looking for."
This example shows the use of key words such as, succeed, great performer, improve, and grow. Each item listed demonstrates a desire to work hard and to improve. If you want to think of your own answer, keep this in mind.
5."Would you like to have your boss’s job?"
Unless you have a better answer, the best answer for this question is a yes. However, you should clearly state that you want to learn everything and eventually move into a similar position. Do not sound like you are a person who is going to steal the job, but rather someone who is going to work hard to earn the position.
Short Answers
"When I gain a little more experience, I’ll be looking to find a position that is similar to my managers job. But for now, I want to continue to learn as an employee while helping the company grow."
"I’m always learning new things and in time, I would like to have my boss’s position. I believe I’m on track to become a manager and I’ll continue to work hard to prove my abilities to the company."
"Yes. I have several years of experience and I also took on projects to learn more about management. I don’t necessarily want to replace my manager, but I would like to learn more about management so I can be ready when a position is available."
Long Answer
"I would definitely like to have my boss’s job. However, before taking on that role, I want to gain more experience and learn from my manager. I believe in thorough preparation and I am doing everything I can to learn more about management and taking on more difficult projects. I know through my hard work I will eventually have the opportunity to have a similar position to my boss."
Being ambitious is important and this answer shows that. It also shows that this person has a strong understanding on the steps to become a manager by learning about management and taking on more responsibilities. Finally the last sentence displays confidence. If you are creating your own answer, make sure use a similar structure as this one or if not, make sure it is better.
6."What did you hear about us?"
"What do you know about us?"
"What do you think we do at this company?"
I feel this question is not to quiz you about your knowledge about the company. It also doesn’t test if you researched this company or not. I feel that this question is to find out what you know before they explain some things about there company. You should understand that if you are a strong candidate and you are doing well on your interview, then they will start sharing some things about the company to entice you to take the position. However, it could turn out to be a quiz so make sure you do your research before interviewing for a position.
Short Answers
"I heard that ABC Company is the leader in copy machine distribution. ABC Company is a global company in 18 different countries, and finally, it’s one of the best companies to work for."
"I heard ABC Company has a great work environment and a place where strong contributors are rewarded. I want to work for a company with opportunities and I know ABC Company provides these things."
"I read on your website that ABC Company provides accounting services to small and medium size corporations. I also know ABC Company is the leader in tax services in this area. That’s why I’m excited to have the opportunity to join this company."
Long Answer
"I heard a lot of good things about ABC Company. I know this company provides financial services to small and medium size corporations. Specifically, ABC Company focuses on creating automation for routine financial transactions. Besides what the company provides, I heard that the office environment is great and the employees are well taken care of."
You don’t have to list everything you know… just enough to let them know that you did your homework. Also, take a little time to give the company a compliment such as the last sentence. It is a psychological tool that you should use to your advantage. This type of compliment is directed at the company and the interviewer will be happy to hear this.
7."What do you know about our product?"
"Do you know what our team is making?"
This is another type of question they ask to find out what you know so they don’t tell you something that you already know. If it is an existing product, then you should definitely know what it is. If not, and after you researched as much as you could, tell them the little that you know. For example, I interviewed for a group within Microsoft that was very new. I had no idea what the team was creating but I was interested because it was a new technology. I found out as much as I could and when they asked me this question, this is how I answer.
"There isn’t much information about your products yet, but I heard you are creating new technology to create a more secure database. I worked with databases most of my career and the thought of more security really interested me."
"I heard this company is creating a camera lens for deep sea photography. Because my major was in engineering and my hobby is in photography, I believe this is the perfect position for me."
"I hear this group has several functions. It has an incubation team that grows new ideas and if the product has potential a new product is formed. I also hear this group creates solutions for companies to entice them to buy more Microsoft products."
I didn’t know much, but after researching, this is all I could find. This is exactly what I said and they responded by telling me more detail. It wasn’t wrong, but at least I said enough about the group to sound like I researched a little bit. That’s basically all you have to do for this question.
8."Have you managed people in any of the positions you’ve held?"
If your resume states that you are a manager or states that you manage people, then they won’t ask you this question. It is for those that are not in a defined management position. Basically, they want to know if you have any experience managing people. I do not recommend lying. They can keep asking questions until they find you in a lie. I would recommend telling the truth. I’ll give two examples. One is my experience of managing two temporary workers. And another is an example that would show some managing experience without actually saying you managed people.
Short Answers
"Yes. I have one year experience in managing three people. I distributed work to each member of my team, provided assistance and guidance, and mentored each employee to be a better employee."
"I have three years of experience managing people. I managed a team from 3 people to a group of 10. Most of my duties as a manger was to make sure our projects were on track and that each employee was completing their work."
"I’ve never managed people yet, but I have 2 years of experience mentoring new employees. I took several courses on management and I feel I’m ready to take the next step of managing people."
"I didn’t hold a management position, but I was in charge of several projects where I had to manage a group of 4 workers to complete projects for a three month duration each. These projects gave me great experience in managing people."
Long Answers
"I’ve never been in a management position yet, but I did manage two temporary employees for a one year duration. During that time, I was given a large area of work to cover. I planned and organized the work to distribute to the two extra workers. I managed their work and kept track of how many hours they worked each week. I met with them on a regular basis and provided feedback on where they are doing well, and where they needed improvement. Their time in our team ended after we completed the project. It wasn’t a management position, but I gained experience in managing people."
"I never held a position where I was managing people, but I had a lot of experience where I was in charge of large projects. Although it was my co-workers, I had the experience of taking the lead on projects where I had to manage people for a specific time period. Although I didn’t experience the full aspect of managing people, I learned how to bring people together, how to use individual strengths of each worker, and how to organize and break down a large task to distribute to several people."
If you have management experience, then you can tell them about your experience. But if you haven’t, then it might be good to show them that you have some experience in managing people as I illustrate in my example.
9."What types of people do you have trouble getting along with?"
Even if you believe you get along with everyone, the interviewer will not believe you so don’t say that you do. I recommend thinking about a type of person that is a bad worker. Use that person as an example and then explain what you do to put effort into the troubled relationship.
Short Answers
"I get along with almost everybody, but I tend to get frustrated at people who always say yes and end up not delivering. I expect honesty and integrity, and saying yes should mean yes."
"I’m very understanding of different people and different work styles, but I have a hard time with people who only do work that is seen by management. There’s so much work that needs to be done and not everything is seen by the manager. So I get upset when work is neglected."
Long Answers
"I get along with almost everyone, but I think I have the hardest time tolerating people who think they’re always right. Not everything is black and white and many times there are multiple ways of doing something. In my last group, I had a coworker that believed his way was the correct way. That’s fine, but when you try to explain another view point, he doesn’t listen, starts to talk louder and he begins to think it’s a debate. I avoided him for a while, but realized I should put in an effort to deal with his personality."
For a follow up question, the interviewer can ask you what you did in this situation. Here is an example of dealing with this type of person.
"Basically, I had to change the way I talked to him. I was very careful with my words and always said something like, ‘that’s a great idea, but could we add this to it’ or ‘I definitely agree with you, but can I get your opinion on this method.’ To tell you the truth, I would rather not deal with a person like that, but I thought the right thing to do was find a way to deal with him so that is what I did."
The reason why it is acceptable to say you have a difficult time dealing with people like this is because everyone will have a hard time dealing with this type of person. So it doesn’t make you look bad because you can’t get along with this person, however, this is a good answer because it shows taking initiative to correct the relationship.
I never received this question, but it is very likely if it is important to know competitors. Make sure during your research, you also investigate the competitors of the company you are interviewing for. You can make your answer if you know more details such as market percentage of each company, or if it is a product company, what products they make. For the long answer, I’ll give an example of a person interviewing for a marketing position for McDonalds. This is a good example, because one of the competitors is obvious. It is Burger King. But what is the second competitor. That is the significance of this example. It gives you an opportunity to explain your opinion of the second competitor. But the figures I’m giving for all the answers are fake. You should make sure you research numbers so you can use them in your answers.
Short Answers
"The number one competitor to Verizon is Cingular. After they merged with AT&T, they became the largest cell phone provider with a 19% market control. The next competitor is Nextel. Although they only have 10% of the market, they are increasing in strength."
"The two competitors of Nokia are Motorola and Samsung. Motorola has a strong presence in the United States where Samsung is more global."
"Microsoft is competing with many different companies because Microsoft provides many different software. MSN is growing and AOL is the number one competitor for this business, while the Microsoft OS is challenged by Linux because it’s free."
Long Answer
"The biggest competitor is Burger King. Where ever you see a McDonalds, it’s common to see Burger King near by. They specialize in flame broiled burgers and use that as their marketing strategy. The Whopper is their number one selling burger selling approximately 30% more than all their other burgers. The second competitor is Wendy’s. Although in some regions other hamburger stores sell more, if you take international sales into consideration, Wendy’s clearly is a strong competitor. They advertise opening late and concentrate on their dollar menu luring people in to buy other more expensive items."
This example clearly demonstrates knowledge about the industry instead of just McDonalds. Knowing the industry is important because and this question gives you the opportunity to show that off. This example also demonstrates an understanding of the international aspect of selling burgers. Finally, their marketing strategy is included in the answer. When you are interviewing for a position, make sure you know as much detail as you can to show that you are knowledgeable about the whole industry.
11."Why do you like sales?"
You can answer this question in numerous ways. But to make your answer effective, you should think of an answer that will show your strong points as a salesman. Make sure to cover your own traits that are important to sales. Here is an example.
Short Answers
"I like sales because I like talking with people and I’m good at making people feel comfortable."
"I enjoy sales because it requires strong communication skills and that’s one of my strong traits. I like the challenge of making a sale and I feel good whenever I make a good sale."
"I like sales because it fits my personality. I enjoying working with all sorts of people and I like to provide great customer service by answering questions about products professionally."
Long Answer
"I’ve always liked sales. I enjoy working with and talking to people. I’m good at making people comfortable and I also like the challenge. In the past with my friends, I heard comments frequently that I would make a good salesman even before I got into sales. So basically, I like sales because it fits my personality and I really enjoy it."
This is a simple short answer. Not everyone can be a salesperson. They need to have the right personality such as good communication skills. You don’t have to have a great answer for this question. But the most important aspect is showing that you enjoy sales.
12."Do you see that stapler? Convince me to buy it."
This is a test to see if you are an experienced salesperson. I do not have much sales experience but I would answer this question by thinking of salesman I encountered in the past that I felt was good. Think about your experience with sales people and list what they did. For example, they probably follow a format. First, they explain what the product is. Then they tell you the functionalities and where you can use it. Third, they should tell you how much easier it will make your work. Fourth, it should have a good warranty. The question didn’t give you details. So feel free to make something up. It will show your creativity. Continuing, the product should have a good return policy. Finally, you can talk about the reduced price, or the price guarantee.
Short Answers
"This stapler is the newest model with easier to use features such as quick loading and safety protection. It also comes with a money back guarantee for any reason if you are not satisfied."
"This stapler is on sale for 30% off. The manufacturer is a new company so their prices are great right now. They have a great warranty program and it will save your company a lot of money with the substantial discount."
"This stapler has the best value. With a 15% lower sticker price, it provides identical functionality with the more expensive brands. It’s durable and staples through more paper than the other brands."
Long Answer
"We are proud to carry this stapler. It’s very durable and easy to use. Loading the staples is as simple as clicking this button on the bottom to open the top. The design is made with more curves to make it more appealing on the desk. It also is designed with more safety in mind. If you accidentally drop the staple on your foot or hit it with your hand, the curves are smooth enough where it will not break the skin. The warranty on the stapler is great too. It comes with a five year guarantee. We are currently offering this stapler for a low price of $19.99, and we have a low price guarantee. If you find a lower price in the next thirty days, we will gladly pay you the difference."
If you are applying for a sales position, you have to be ready to be able to sell anything in the room. I would recommend thinking about an outline. Get that in your head. Then use the outline to practice selling variety of things. You can use my answer as an outline covering features, functionality, safety, design, warranty, and price. But don’t limit it to just these, if you have another idea, add it to this, or make up your own.
13."How long have you been looking for a job?"
I don’t know if this is legitimate question for an interviewer to ask, but it is definitely possible. I don’t like the question, but at least we should think about it and prepare an answer. If you have been looking for a job for like eight months, it could sound like you are a bad candidate because nobody wants to hire you. Instead, I would take a different approach than answering honestly. If the resume shows you have been out of work for a year, then you have to explain the one year. You have two options. First, you can be honest and say you have been looking for one year, or you can think of a good excuse. It’s hard to lie and sound believable so I’m going to give an honest answer. If you have a good excuse for not working for a long duration, feel free to use that as an excuse.
Short Answers
"I sent out my resumes just last week. I’m very excited to join a company where I can help out."
"I’ve been looking for about a month now. Because of the slow economy it’s taking a little longer than I expected, but I’m confident that I can be a valuable asset to any company."
"It’s been about 2 months now. I wasn’t as aggressive in the beginning because I was taking some classes, but now that I’m done with class, I’m really trying now."
Long Answers
"To be honest, I’ve been looking for a job for quite a long time. The job market hasn’t been that great and it’s been a little rough. But I spent my year productively by reading up on new technologies, self studying, and trying to challenge myself with small projects. I definitely learned a lot and I’m really ready to start working again."
If you have a real excuse such as a sick mother you have to take care of, here is an example.
"I have been out of work for a year, but I have only been looking for a job for about 3 weeks now. My mother had cancer and I wanted to spend the final months with her. She passed away and I can starting work again."
I don’t recommend lying for this question. It could turn bad if they find out the truth later. Telling them the truth like my first example shows honesty and shows that you tried to stay productive.
14."Why haven’t you received any offers so far?"
"What offers have you received so far?"
This is another type of question that most interviewers will not ask. But just in case, I’ll provide an example. For the question asking what offers have you received so far, you can simply list the ones you have received without details. For example, "I received offers from Boeing and InfoSpace." But if they ask you why haven’t you received any offers, then your answer will depend on if you have an offer or not. If you do, then you can politely correct them by saying, "Actually, I received an offer from Intel. But I didn’t respond with my answer yet because this company is my first choice." If you do not have any offers, then you can say something like this example.
"I just started interviewing this past week, so it’s a little too early to tell."
"I recently started looking for a job, but I’m hoping that I’ll receive offers soon."
"I received one offer from a smaller company, but I want to see what else is out there. I like what this company has to offer so I’m hoping everything turns out well today."
"I’ve only interviewed with two other companies so far and I have a second interview with one of them. It’s too early to tell if I’ll be receiving any offers right now, but I’m confident that I will get a couple."
This answer is suggesting that you are actively interviewing. Mentioning a second interview with another company also shows that you passed the first interview stage. You are not admitting to any fault by not receiving any offers, but simply saying it is too early because you haven’t been searching for a job that long.
If you have been looking for a job for a long time, then you will not be able to use an answer like I just showed. Instead, you might have to be honest and try to put the blame somewhere else. More likely you will not receive this answer, but just in case, here is one more example. This example admits directly to not receiving any offers but shows diligence and shows that this person doesn’t give up.
"Most of the jobs I have been applying for require more experience than I have. Also, because the job market is rough right now the competition has been pretty tough. But I plan on self studying continually and I know through my diligence that I will get a job soon."
15."If you don’t understand your assignment and you can’t reach your boss, what would you do?"
This question is seeing how you react to ambiguous situations. Also it checks to see how resourceful you are. The best way to answer this question is to provide step by step actions you would take in this situation.
Short Answers
"I would investigate the assignment deeper by searching for more information, asking coworkers or other managers and make the smartest decision on how to tackle the assignment."
"There are many places I can look for clarity. I would look through some books, or the Internet, or my peers, or even other managers. If I try to look for answers, most of the time I can find them."
"I would first see what the deadline is and if my manager will be back before the deadline. If not, then I would leave a message on my managers phone. Afterwards, I would ask my peers or other managers to see if they know the assignment. I believe investigating the assignment further will help me understand it."
Long Answer
"First, I would read the assignment again thoroughly to see if I missed a clue or anything. I could even turn to the Internet and look up other documentation if it was something like a difficult process I didn’t know. After investigating this assignment, and I still don’t understand it, then I could turn to my peers and see if anyone has done an assignment similar to the one I received. If my peers do not know either, then I could ask my boss’s manager and verify with him. After exhausting these options, then I would have to make a decision on how to do the assignment and make the best decision I can on how to tackle the assignment. Before engaging in the assignment, I would leave a message on my boss’s cell phone."
There might be a better answer, but in my experience many interviewers are looking for a process of reaching a goal. In this example, it shows each step from beginning to end. Feel free to add or change these steps after thinking about it.
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